Zoning Industriel des Hauts-Sarts
4ème Avenue, 25
4040 Herstal
Banque Carrefour des Entreprises [Belgian Companies Database]: 0430 058 210
Tel.: +32 4 248 39 83
Email: julie.bourchis@buzon-world.com
BUZON is registered as a trademark in the Benelux, Europe and internationally
The texts, lay-out, artwork, photos, animations, databases, logos, technical documents and brochures on this site are protected by copyright©.
All copies, adaptations, modifications, translations, configurations, storage in databases or any publication of all or part of this site in any form and by any means whatsoever, whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is strictly prohibited unless the prior written agreement of BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA has been obtained.
The downloading of technical documents, brochures and catalogues is permitted for consultation and training purposes. Any reproduction without the prior written permission of BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA. is prohibited.
Persons wishing to use content from this site, in particular hyperlinks, images, graphics, photos and texts, should first contact BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA by writing to: info@buzon-world.com.
The aim of this website is to inform the members of the public about our work, our products and services. This information is not necessarily exhaustive and is on no accounts binding on our company (non-contractual information) Buzon Pedestal International SA reserves the right to change, add to or supplement this site at any time, without prior notice.
If any inaccuracies are brought to our attention, we will endeavour to make the necessary corrections.
We waive all and any liability relating to interruptions caused by technical problem that may result from use of this site or from site updates.
1. You may visit our site, learn about our products and services and find out our latest news, with no obligation to provide us with any personal information. Should you choose to provide us with your personal information, this will be processed confidentially by BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA in accordance with the European regulation on data protection, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR” which came into effect on 25 May 2018.
2. As part of our commercial activities, our company processes personal data for which it acts as the Data Controller responsible for the data we collect. Our company collects data relating to our customers and business partners. These data are collected in a lawful, honest and transparent manner. The manner in which we collect data is adequate, relevant and restricted to what is necessary. These data are kept up to date.
3. Unless otherwise specified in writing to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) named below, all data subjects consent (article 6 §1, par. a of the GDPR), by ticking the box provided for this purpose on our site, to the processing of their personal data that are essential to deliver the following services:
- communicating information regarding BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA’s services, products and activities,
- distributing newsletters,
- notification and promotional activities regarding BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA’s products and services,
- market research activities
- customer management,
- issuing, collecting and verifying invoices,
- fulfilling the obligations incumbent on us pursuant to the legislation governing the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and the funding of terrorism.
4. For the purpose of these data collection activities, BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL act as the Data Controller. In this capacity, we make every effort to ensure the effectiveness of the rights enshrined in the GDPR. Within this context, Buzon puts in place the following measures: it ensures that the data processed area duly protected and it has appointed a member of staff who is responsible for data protection. Given that these processing activities are limited to the purposes set out above, in accordance with article 30.5 of the GDPR, BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL will not keep systematic records of its processing activities, unless it becomes apparent that this is necessary by reason of the processing it carries out.
5. All data supplied are processed with the greatest discretion. Given that the processing is exclusively carried out on the basis of your consent, the data subjects are within their rights to consult their data, have them rectified or deleted without charge, at any time.
6. The files containing these data are the property of BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA and any agencies that it engages. BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL SA will not disclose your data to any other organisations with the exception of those specified hereinafter pursuant to article 6 §1, par. b of the GDPR (contract performance):
- our subcontractors, responsible for our IT infrastructure, our CRM programme, our invoicing software, our project management software, the creation and maintenance of our website and extranet, to the extent necessary for the performance of their respective duties,
- any bailiffs, law firms and debt collection agencies on whose services we may call in connection with managing your case,
- the tax and social security authorities, our payroll service provider and our accountant, to the extent necessary to comply with our tax and social security obligations.
7. THE GDPR sets out that the protected data subjects have the following rights: the right to information, the right of access, the right of rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restriction of processing, the right to object, the right to data portability and the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making (articles 13 to 22 of the GDPR). All data subjects may exercise these rights through the Data Controller.
In compliance with article 7 §3 of the GDPR, all data subjects have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Where consent is withdrawn, BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL shall cease to process the data in the future. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out with consent prior to its withdrawal.
8. Within the context of the processing activities for which our company is acting as the Data Controller, the latter is not required to store or transfer any personal data outside the European Union.
9. Our company has put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the personal data are protected against unauthorised access or processing, loss or damage. As such, it runs the following measures to this end: regular data security checks, use of up-to-date anti-virus software, regular back-ups, updates of all software used, installation of a firewall, installation of a protected access system requiring authorisation to access the personal data.
10. BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL has appointed Mrs Julie Bourc’his as its Data Protection Officer (DPO).
+32 4 248 39 83
Zoning Industriel des Hauts-Sarts
4eme Avenue, 25
4040 Herstal, BELGIUM
Mrs Bourc’his is responsible for: keeping informed, providing information to any data subject who wishes to receive clarification on the policy put in place for GDPR compliance; regularly evaluating the appropriateness, sufficiency and suitability of this policy, monitoring compliance with GDPR; acting as the point of contact for the Belgian Data Protection Authority or any interested person.
11. In connection with the processing activities for which it acts as the Data Controller, BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL is required to share some of this personal data with certain sub-contractors in order to fulfil its statutory and contractual obligations. It is their responsibility to comply with the obligations incumbent upon them in their capacity as sub-contractors. BUZON PEDESTAL INTERNATIONAL therefore asks these sub-contractors with whom it shares data, to provide it with a detailed account of the measures put in place by them to comply with the GDPR.
12. In the event of any disputes regarding the use of our website, the courts of LIEGE (Belgium) shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Belgian law shall apply. Should these legal notices be drawn up in a language other than French, the parties agree that the French version shall serve as reference in the event of a dispute over their interpretation.